Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Top 10 Favorite Nintendo 64 Games

I have played the NES and SNES before playing the Nintendo 64, but that was not only my first home console, but it was where I truly started to become a gamer.  The N64 was a BIG thing in my childhood, with all the great games it held.  So, I'm going to honor that, and do a Top 10 list on my most favorite Nintendo 64 games to date!

10: Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
The Legend of Zelda series are one of my favorite games of all time, and Majora's Mask was no different.  It was an interesting game, since it was definitely different from any Zelda game.  It was similar to Ocarina of Time, but what separated it from that was the uniqueness of the different Masks you had to use, which would change your shape and form into other cool things, as well as cool powers!  The other unique part about it was that you had a time limit, and there was no time to goof off... usually.
Reason why it isn't as high as other games is simply because... well, I enjoyed other games more.  But, Majora's Mask deserves its spot in my Top 10 for just being unique!

9: Mario Party
A game that destroys friendships... sometimes.  I loved this game, but my goodness, sometimes it can be annoying.  I broke controllers just because on how insane it is.  I usually had the CPU's on the hardest setting, which was a huge challenge for me back then.
Not to mention when playing with friends and - most likely - my younger brother.  We got into fights because of this game - thought not as often as the next on my Top 10 list here (which I am about to get to in a sec)!
Some of my favorite stages are on this game, such as: Mushroom Mix Up, Skateboard Scamper, Key-pa-Way, Hot Rope Jump, Running of the Bulb, Crane Game (I loved the crane machines back when I was a kid), Bobsled Run, and Bumper Balls.
I don't get as angry on this game anymore, but it can happen.  Even so, I still love this game a lot, including Mario Party 2 and 3... but the first one will always reign on top for me.

8: Mario Kart 64
I like some racing games, but Mario Kart 64 was definitely the top of my list, for various reasons.
Each track was new and different.  The first ones were rather easy, but each cup got more difficult, especially the last one.  Arguably, even though Rainbow Road was tough, I thought that the Yoshi track was harder... ironically enough, since the main character I use is Yoshi.  I remember falling off the edge all the time, and running into things from it.
However, in time though, I did "master" them all, and was actually good.  But, more games come out, and I dulled out since then.
And playing against others was a lot of fun... but it did risk friendships being destroyed (like Mario Party).
The other cool part was the items used.  Lots and lots of items there to destroy your enemies... or yourself (stupid Green Koopa Shells).  I mostly got the short end of the stick from items, but it was still fun to use against the person in front of you.

7. Star Fox 64
The Star Fox series has been very kind to me.  I didn't play it much when I was a kid, but I do remember how much fun it was!  Just being on the Arwing and having those cool dog fights (fox fights... *insert animal here* fights...), whether in space or on a planet.
And the story line isn't just one line where you have to complete a mission and onward to the next one.  No, there were different paths you can take, depending on how fast you complete it, what certain requirements you met, or simply taking a different turn to a different area.  These different paths you took would allow you to use other vehicles like the Land Master, go to different planets, meet different characters, and such!
It's unique in what different choices you make, and encourages you to keep on trying harder than before to show Andross and his army just who's top dog in the Lylat System (or top Fox...).

6: Banjo and Tooie
Banjo and Kazooie was incredible!  The puzzles needed to solve to get a Puzzle Piece were challenging, and each stage was unique and fun to go through!  Especially once you get to the final boss - Grunty!  What a challenge!
However, I liked Banjo and Tooie more.  There was more to explore, more power ups to gain, each stage had a boss, more things to transform in to (my personal favorite was the GIANT T-REX!!!).  I especially loved the Fire and Ice stage.  It was basically two stages put into one, and it technically had two bosses - both who were DRAGONS!!!
I especially liked the part where I found a Giant Glowbo... and when I gave it to Humba Wumba near the Carnival Stage, Kazooie transformed into a little bird dragon!  She was able to breathe fire, and had the appearance of a dragon!  Honestly, that was well rewarding for me!
Grunty was tough to beat in the final fight (arguably harder even than her Banjo and Kazooie fight).  What a relief it was when I FINALLY did beat her!

5: Donkey Kong 64
When I first got the game, I couldn't play it because I didn't have the... er, Expansion Pack to play the game (don't know why).  Once I got it though, I was able to play it, and wow, did I love it or what?
Not only DK, but you were able to play as the other Kongs (once saved).  My personal favorite was Lanky, who I kinda was like (personality wise).
I mean, he plays the Trombone (favorite brass instrument), walks on his hands (up steep hills too), can inflate his belly and FLY (for a limited amount of time), he's goofy, and... yeah, I just love the monkey!
The stages were pretty awesome, and some of the boss fights were incredible (my favorite was when you had to fight the giant Dragon Bug again)!
And I can not deny the awesome power ups you get.  Each Kong had a special ability to use, a special barrel, their own instrument, ranged weapon, etc...
The mini games were tough to beat, especially when you had to get the coins, but I loved the challenge it presented...
Collecting EVERYTHING (and I mean EVERY Golden Banana... count them, that's 200) was a pain somewhat, but I wanted to be perfect about it.  Honestly, it was worth it (kinda)!  My childhood was perfect with this game on the N64, and I loved it all the way (almost).

4: Pokemon Stadium
The first and second Pokemon Stadium games were awesome to play!  You were able to play with ALMOST every Pokemon on each system (Mewtwo, Lugia, and Ho-Oh were not available, unless from your GB Pokemon Games).
However, if I had to chose between the two, I would pick the 1st one over the 2nd one.  The first one was where I was able to include my Pokemon from Blue and (later on) Yellow.  It was awesome to use my own team when I took on the Prime Cup!  I even used my Charmander (which there is a story behind that, which I will cover someday).
The 3D graphics were awesome, and the battles were phenomenal!  I would naturally be sold on that, since I am a Pokemon nerd, but it was more than that.  I felt like I was in an actual battle - an actual match.
The Gym Leader road was pretty intense too (especially surfing Raichu from Lt. Surge).  When I faced off against my Rival again (this time on this version), it was intense (arguably more intense than when I faced him on Blue)!
I enjoyed the Mini Games too, but not nearly as much as the battles!
To make things better, the opportunity to play my Pokemon GB games on the TV was truly something I have been wanting too!
So... yeah, I love Pokemon Stadium... YEAH!

3: Super Smash Bros.
If there was any game I spent HOURS on... it was this one!  I am not BIG on fighting games (aside from DBZ), but this one had a special place in my heart.  Maybe it's because I love Nintendo, but when this game first came out, I was excited.
I played a lot, enough to consider myself "good".  When I played it enough, I dared tried playing the 1 Player mode with one life... on the hardest difficulty.  Was it hard?  You bet it was!  Did I succeed?  Yes..... eventually!
But the part I liked about it most was the multi-player.  Unlike Mario Kart and Mario Party, I did not exactly get angry and furious about it, simply because... well, I was actually pretty good at the game.
Even if I did lose, I had fun with it, and I would play it again... and again, and again!
My favorite character to use was not Link or Pikachu... but Yoshi!  I love that green dinosaur!  I don't know why, but I just enjoyed using him more than any other character (until we got to Brawl).
If there was any game I could go back on, it would be this one.

2: Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
I love adventure!  I love a good story.  I like swords.  I love to explore.  Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time was just that for me on the Nintendo 64.
The story was pretty epic, and awesome!  Learning about your destiny to save Hyrule, you embark on a quest to save Hyrule from evil.  After discovering Ganondorf's plot, you go out to try and stop him by working with Zelda to collect the remaining stones.  Unfortunately, we do not do so... er, right away.  But we do get the Master Sword (and that's better than saving the world, right?)!
The amount of time I put into this to do just about everything was immense.  From fishing to riding on Epona to just exploring every nick and cranny of every speck of Hyrule... and obtaining the Biggoron's Sword!!!
A game I couldn't have asked more of from any game, this game (as well as others) gave me hope on a bigger gaming world from the likes of Zelda and others (and it holds true to this day).
I was excited when this game was released on the 3DS... and to be honest, I like it more on the 3DS.  Sure, the N64 had it on a big TV, which I loved.  But I love handheld consoles more, and I like to experience my gameplay on the go.  Living that out at different places like you explore on OoT... certainly enjoyable indeed!  However, it isn't my number 1 favorite... speaking of...

1: Super Mario 64
Now, this was my first N64 game, and boy, was it the greatest for me!
I remember playing Mario all the time, from the NES games to Super Mario World on the SNES.  However, when I played Super Mario 64 on the N64, was I impressed!  Not only that, but the stages were INCREDIBLE!  Each stage was unique, and the music was terrific.  I even enjoyed the water levels, and I tend to hate them!
I also loved the power ups.  Being able to walk through things?  Fun.  Turning into metal?  I felt invincible (kinda).  That, and walking in water like nothing was fun too!  Being able to fly though?  Always something I dreamed of doing, and this game let me live that out!  Not to mention being able to ride on the Koopa Shell!  Man, I enjoyed every chance of doing that!
I enjoyed some of the boss fights (mainly Bowser), and Sliding down the slides!  The Penguin Race was a toughie (that Penguin is a cheater, let that be known by all!), but I still beat it.
And to top it all off, once you collected all of the Stars, a surprise awaited you up on top of the Castle (I won't spoil it for those who have yet to reach that far).
Overall, it was a game that I enjoyed as a kid, and still do even now!  It's a game I know I can go back on and enjoy!  It helped define my childhood, and it was where I started my life as a gamer.

So that's my Top 10 Favorite Nintendo 64 Games!  So... yeah, have a good day/evening! :)